3 reasons to stay with us
Delight yourself with our irresistible gastronomic offers! At our hotel, the culinary experience is a priority. We invite you to explore our wide selection of exquisite dishes prepared by our talented chefs.
Book now and enjoy an environment conducive to collaboration, productivity and success. Get ready to take your meetings to the next level in our exceptional meeting rooms!
We will take care of every aspect so that you and your loved ones enjoy a perfect and carefree day. Let us be part of your love story and create unforgettable memories at your dream wedding!
Special offers
Warner Theme Park Getaway
The offer includes:
- Bed and healthy breakfast buffet for one or two nights.
- One ticket to Warner Park per person. You can get a second day ticket for a supplement of just 6€ per person and day.
Places for this getaway are limited. Don’t miss the opportunity of lodging with us, only a few minutes from the Warner Theme Park.
For more Info, please contact us at 34 91 263 64 00.